Sunrise AND sunset from the same spot
The best word I can think of to describe this place is “Intoxicating”. Astounded by its beauty and how untouched it is by humans. On the western edge of the Florida peninsula where the land juts out into the Gulf of Mexico is this little spit of land, Cape San Blas that’s about 500 yards wide in most spots. You can stand on the boardwalk at the park here and watch sunrise and sunset. T. H. Stone memorial park is one of the grandest parks we’ve seen. It’s usually booked a year in advance but the cold weather of the last week apparently chased some of the less hearty locals away and we were able to secure a spot for three nights only a few days prior. The park is beautiful but the big payoff is a quick 5 minute stroll on the boardwalk to one of the most magnificent beaches I’ve seen.
Being from Miami and seeing a lot of ocean beaches in my life, I never went to the west coast of Florida, the Gulf side. My beach experiences along the Atlantic seaboard with lots of development everywhere were nice but standard ocean fare. The white sand beaches here are unlike anything along the Atlantic coast. And the stillness of the Gulf of Mexico is very different then the often rough surf of the Atlantic. As a boy, growing up in Miami, we loved to body surf the waves. But now, in my “older” years, a nice tranquil placid body of water is more my style. It’s still a little cold to go swimming with surf temperatures in the low 60’s. With the remnants of the polar blast still hanging on, it’s been in the 40’s and 50’s the last few days. So only my feet have gotten wet. But it’s in the 60’s today so I went shirtless for the first time in weeks. I know most of the country has been in the icebox. But 20’s in Florida! Ridiculous. Even a little snow.
St Joseph’s peninsula encompasses the northern half of the spit and there is no development here. It’s a wildlife preserve. So you walk 10 miles along the shore, flanked by the sand dunes, and there’s nothing but beach. As you round the northern tip you can stroll along the bayside along St. Josephs bay for another 10 miles. I’m not sure there’s anyplace else in the United States with 20 miles of untouched beach with the beauty this place has. It truly is a jewel. I’m trying my hardest to soak it all in. Physically and spiritually.
We’re coming back in a few months to scout out the area for possible places to live next winter for several months and to see if this is THE place. Our retirement locale. Maybe? Florida, you’re calling me home after 40+ years. I’m listening.
the Dunes
The boardwalk from the campground to the beach. Only for RVers staying at the park.
There isn’t much on Cape San Blas. But we saw this place when we were coming in so I took a seven mile bike ride to get some fresh fish. Grouper and Red Snapper. So good.
David- This looks heavenly. Given the CO winter this season, this sure looks pretty good. My favorite part about FL is its white sand beaches. Stunning. Grouper and Red Snapper meals help. Hope you’re doing well, David? 🙌🏼